Friday, August 27, 2010

The Dark I Know Well

I'm not usually a dark person, and my art isn't usually particularly dark but I've been in a crummy mood lately. I actually like this piece a lot. It reminds me of Obey propaganda by Shepard Fairey, an artist who inspires me, although doesn't often influence my work. I would love to see people wearing this on shirts, but then again, I want to see all of my art on t-shirts. I think the saying around the edge reflects something I have learned very well: Self-restraint breeds power. By being able to restrain ourselves from unnecessary waste and spending, we become more powerful. Maybe that could be misconstrued as something dark or fascist or communist or something, but it fit the picture. Don't tell anyone, but I made this completely during a 4-hour shift at work. :P

I don't know if you'll be able to see the above piece very well, but it's one that's newly been added to my college-bound portfolio. It's a 16" x 20" poster with instructions on how to construct the embedded Dante's Inferno möbius strip. It's meant to be viewed in huge detail because it's a vastly huge Photoshop file, but this will have to suffice I guess. Feel free to print and construct the möbius strip for yourself, but by the love of god do not reproduce my artwork for money. I have marked it with my urine and will know if you steal it! D:< Anyway, that's that for dark depressing art lately. 

I hate being angsty. I'm too angsty lately and it's making me feel like every other teenager/Twilight-obsessed teeny-bopper. I want out. I want sunshine and friendship and ice creams and love and bacon-flavored-toothpicks. Myeehhh...

I'll go watch something pointless and humorous to make me smile. :B

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Long hiatus is long

Hi guys! I'm so sorry for how long it's been since my last post. I still do exist (really!). I've been doing a lot of college tours and the like so all if any art I have in my computer to post has been sitting here collecting dust. Oh well...

So, an update since last post, I actually got that beautiful tablet I had my eye on and I love it to death. It's really smooth and comes with a plethora of other tips for your stylus which is really nifty. Here's something I made on it:

It was inspired by my recent trip to Paris (What? I haven't mentioned that yet? Oh yeah, that happened). We went to Versailles and also we ate macarons from Ladureé which are pretty incredible. Anyways, this is available as a shirt on RedBubble for those interested. Sadly the colors are all screwed up, but it still looks pretty cool. I'm also trying to offer it on CaféPress, but so far that process has been pretty butt-like.

Here's a video to go along with my drawing. A really cute one by one of my favorite bands of all time, Vampire Weekend. I'm seeing them live in September! :D

What else?... Hmm... I got my license. That sure feels good. I am also pretty sure I decided which college I want to go to (I am so far ahead of myself here... I haven't even applied yet.)

I'm trying to get my art up here and post about the colleges I've seen and the like... It may be another hiatus. :/ Until then, why don't you give yourself some giggles with the wonderful art of Emmy Cicierega?